Drug Security Chain Supply Act (DSCSA) packaging solutions
According the FDA, the Drug Security Chain Supply Act (DSCSA) outlines steps to build an electronic, interoperable system to identify and trace certain prescription drugs as they are distributed in the United States. This will enhance FDA’s ability to help protect consumers from exposure to drugs that may be counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful. The system will also improve detection and removal of potentially dangerous drugs from the drug supply chain to protect U.S. consumers.
For the average consumer this means that the FDA wants to ensure that the packaged product can be verified as a legitimate drugs to patients rather than something counterfeit.
However, may people are unaware how this law functions and what the critical parameters are necessary to ensure cooperation and timely delivery. The Drug Security Chain Supply Act (DSCSA) requires standardized, unit-level traceability of pharmaceutical products along the entire drug supply chain, with a goal of end-to-end unit-level traceability by November 27, 2023. This type of packaging is colloquially referred to as “serialization”.
The process sounds complex, but to put things into perspective, serialization means that every unit of sale is packaged with a unique identifier that can be traced through the supply chain back to manufacturer.
Each drug is packaged with the following:
1. GTIN (Global Tade identification Number)
2. Serialized barcode (up to 20 alphanumeric digits)
3. Lot Number
4. Expiration Date
VeV Scientific, Inc. makes this process of serialization process simple. The client pays a low-cost annual fee regardless of how many units are produced and VeV Scientific, Inc. will package each product to comply with the law.